Sabrina Khan

Art Director

It's been two weeks and I still got nothing.
I mean... what are you even suppose to write in these things?
My hobbies? 
Should I say I like watching video essays on Youtube ? 
I've never heard anyone else say that so I'll keep that out. 

If I say I like reading biographies and visiting museums that won’t make me sound interesting.
I like traveling but have I visited enough cities to convince people I do?

Favorite food?
 How does someone even pick one?
Favorite movie? 
Again, how does someone pick ONE?

I'm a Pisces. 
My moon sign is in Gemini. 
I'm an INFP. 
A proud Huffiepuff. 
Definitely a Rachel. 
Also 50% Carrie Bradshaw and half/Samantha half/Charlotte. 
And apparently if I were a french fry, I'd be a waffle fry. 
So that's exciting.

I'm an Art Director at Weber Shandwick.
Masters in Branding + integrated Communications at CUNY City College
I'm also a 2020 MAIP Alum.

  And Fun Fact: I collect "I Love Lucy" memorbillia. 
So there's that.

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